Candidate Profile

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Philip DeBlasio


Hello, my name is Philip DeBlasio, and I am honored to be considered for the position of student representative for the College of Applied Health Sciences. I am deeply passionate about the healthcare industry and addressing the pervasive health inequities that persist in the United States. Throughout my academic pursuits, I have immersed myself in the study of healthcare administration, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of the U.S. healthcare system. My coursework has equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex landscape of healthcare delivery, policy, and management. One of the driving forces behind my pursuit of this elected position is my unwavering commitment to addressing health inequities. The United States faces persistent disparities in healthcare access, outcomes, and quality, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities. My experiences and studies have exposed me to the stark reality of these inequities, and I am determined to be a catalyst for change. As a student representative, I see an opportunity to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote health equity within our college and beyond. I am well-versed in the root causes of health disparities, including socioeconomic factors, systemic barriers, and inadequate access to care. Through my coursework and extracurricular activities, I have gained insights into the intricate web of challenges that contribute to these disparities. My vision as a student representative extends beyond the confines of our academic institution. I aspire to create a ripple effect by fostering a culture of inclusivity and awareness. By leveraging the platform of Student Representative, I aim to initiate dialogues, organize events, and collaborate with faculty and fellow students to raise awareness about health inequities and advocate for tangible solutions. Furthermore, I am committed to actively engaging with the student body to understand their concerns, experiences, and ideas. By serving as a bridge between students and faculty, I hope to amplify the voices of those who are often marginalized in healthcare discussions. Through open communication and collaboration, we can cultivate an environment that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion within the College of Applied Health Sciences and the rest of the University. In conclusion, my decision to pursue the position of student representative for the College of Applied Health Sciences is grounded in my passionate study of healthcare administration and my dedication to addressing health inequities. I am eager to utilize this platform to advocate for meaningful change, promote inclusivity, and contribute to the collective effort to create a more equitable healthcare system. Together, as a united student body, we can strive towards a future where health disparities are diminished, and everyone has equal access to quality healthcare.

Philip DeBlasio