Candidate Profile

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Tom Drabik


Hello, my name is Tom Drabik and I am currently running to be a representative on the Illinois Student Council for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Here at the University of Illinois, I am pursuing a major in political science with a minor in Spanish. I hail from the suburbs of Chicago, but I now call this campus ‘home’ and I seek to make it a better place for all students who attend this world-renowned institution. Currently, I am a Member At-Large on the Illinois Student Council’s Operations Committee and this experience has allowed me to see the daily functions of our student government on campus. In this committee, I have voted on several changes to the budget to assist essential programs under the Illinois Student Council and I have approved several candidates from numerous colleges to become representatives on the Council. Not only have I participated in student government here on campus, but I have worked in local government as well. One position I held was as a Victim/Witness Unit Secretary for the DuPage County State’s Attorney's Office. This experience was enlightening and valuable, but I was also able to receive experience in government affairs. With the knowledge and understanding that I have for both our student government as well as local government, I believe I would make a great candidate for this position. The reason that I would like to pursue this position is so that I can be a voice for the students in my college. It is a necessity that students be able to have a representative who has their interests in mind. Additionally, I am running so that I can make UIUC a safe, respectable, and incredible community for all of our diverse thinkers and peoples. I believe that with my experience and knowledge in the political field, along with the passions of the students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, we can achieve this goal. My central platform is that I would like to ensure that we, as the Illinois Student Council, can control our government spending and I would like to increase the safety in our campus community through innovative measures. For example, I would love to see an increase in advocacy for and the planning of the creation of more emergency telephones. This is just one way to make our campus that much safer, but there are several others. Our success on this campus will unite us all. So, students of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, I humbly ask for your vote which will bring about a brighter future and a united campus for all.

Tom Drabik